New Year’s Resolutions Are A Load of Crap.

Honestly. Who can honestly say that at any time in their life, they have said (in what was probably a very buzzed state- from alcohol or otherwise), “Tomorrow is a New Year! I’m going to make some big changes!” And stuck with it?


New Year’s resolutions are a big steaming pile of crap. We say we’re going to start a diet, going to work out, going to reinvent ourselves, but once we sleep in after staying up too late, and partying the night before, it’s all over with.

Motivation out the window, and carried away by the wind.

It’s just another flip of the calendar page, another day, a time frame invented by some old men a long time ago.

If we want to stick to resolutions, we have to make them every day.

“I will resolve to clean the house today, I will resolve to clean the house today”, until it becomes a habit.

I started a photo challenge at that flip of the calendar.

I’m too massively pregnant to be taking clients right now, but I don’t want to fall out of practice, and although I love snapping photos of my 18 month old Sweet Pea (aha! the name of the blog is revealed!), she isn’t always willing to cooperate. So I found this:


My first week’s challenge was “Resolution”.

Oh boy. This one was a big challenge. Resolutions are a load of crap, anyway, right?

Time to rethink some things!

A pearl is created by an oyster’s resolution to expel a foreign body- parasite or irritant. As long as the foreign body remains, the oyster coats and coats it in a substance called “nacre”. The end result is a naturally beautiful gem. (source)


So how can that apply to my life, or your life? There are many “irritants” in my life, things that I do every day that need to be changed. If I can be like an oyster, I can only imagine the beautiful outcome my life will have. If I take those bad habits and poor choices and coat them with better choices, and better habits every single day, my life may be likened unto that of a pearl.

This isn’t about making a statement on how I’m going to be a new person suddenly. An oyster stays an oyster, but after a time, the oyster has the ability to produce something rare and beautiful by sticking with the resolution of dispelling the unpleasant body from inside.

Just like the oyster, I have to start from the inside.

And no matter how many times I fail, I have to continue to work at it.

A pearl isn’t produced overnight.


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